The hay quality that provides healthy forage but keeps costs down and energy up. This hay will turn your herd into a healthy milk river, flowing with nutrients and butter fat capable to feed all of Asia and beyond. With so much Ice Cream and Butter Delight at your finger tips, we say feel the joy of our Classic Alfalfa,
Classic alfalfa, classic taste!
- Excellent Green Color
- 21+ CP
- 170+ RFV
- Consistent Quality
- Great Leaf Retention

We do out best to leave it all out there when we put up our hay! Our farm sits and the end of what has become a premier growing sub region of the Columbia Basin, The White Bluffs! With the combination of great land and careful attention to detail, our hay products have customers asking for our hay, year-after-year!

We do out best to leave it all out there when we put up our hay! Our farm sits and the end of what has become a premier growing sub region of the Columbia Basin, The White Bluffs! With the combination of great land and careful attention to detail, our hay products have customers asking for our hay, year-after-year!