Why Sell to Sage Hill
40+ Year of Business
We believe that keys to our success is our important grower and customer relationships. Built on 40 years of trust, we continue to market farmers hay products into our diverse and deep Customer sales channels.

World Class Marketing
Over the last forty plus years we have developed strategic overseas relationships with key customers in both developing and mature markets. These relationships have provided us with stable sales channels and with consistent movement of hay. And thanks to our world class marketing we are currently selling hay into all major forage markets and on 5 continents around the world.
Brand Recognition
Sage Hill Northwest Inc is known and recognized as a Quality Provider of Forage and ag Products. Rooted in valuing relationships and delivering consistent quality Sage Hill has become a name people trust.
Our reputation has built a solid platform for consistent and reliable demand for our various hay and ag products.
Diverse Markets
Diverse markets allow reduced impact to market swings, shipping line complications, or other world events. We sell hay for various grades and needs, spread on 5 different continents.

Markets for Different Qualities of Hay
Due to our diverse markets we are able to sell varying qualities of hay, we also have perfected the art of mixing qualities and selling a mixed product that the industry loves.
Connected for the Future
Our investments for our current and future suppliers have led us to build a portal that helps add value to our suppliers. We hope to continue to add value as we go into the future

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